What The Tech: Gift Gadgets To Buy For Yourself

What The Tech: Gift Gadgets To Buy For Yourself
Bartessian mixologist © Augusta-Aiken WRDW-TV Powered by Berthesian Cocktail Maker

August, Georgia. (WRDW/WAGT) - When someone asks you what you want for Christmas, you don't want to give them a list of really expensive things.

But during the holidays, these devices are sold at lower prices. So, if you're planning on buying something for yourself, you might want to check it out.

For house artists, the Bartesian cocktail bar will become a personal bartender.

Add your favorite alcohol and use these capsules, which include the mixers needed for popular cocktails. Simple syrups, bitters, extracts and juices.

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Each capsule has its own barcode which tells the bartender what he is preparing and which bottle to take to create the perfect cocktail.

As the capsules do not contain alcohol, they can be purchased online. Battery-powered outdoor floodlights are perfect for backyard movie nights. Viewsonic offers projectors for every budget.

Under $200 and up to $600 for Full HD.

They even have their own speakers. Play movies from your smartphone, tablet, computer or streaming device. Combine it with a high definition screen to watch movies under the stars.

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We bought two projection screens. 12-foot giant inflatable screen and this 100-inch screen. Both were of exceptional quality.

The cracked screen required power and the motor made noise. The Yardmaster screen was easy to store in a travel bag. Both cost around $170. It takes two people to play chess. Generally.

The Square of Chess set is handcrafted from wood with hand carved components. It's also magical. Make your move and someone around the world will. When they do, the chess piece on your board will magically move to its new position.

Like something out of Harry Potter. Play with random players or people you know who can play against you in their chess game or in the Square off app.

These premium devices are rarely on sale during the year, but are easy to find with steep pre-Christmas discounts on the manufacturer's website.

The Greatest Tech Gift of 2020 - Price Edition!

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